We are specialized Company for organic herbs, spices tea, dried vegetables, dried fruits and essential oils and extracts. For the industry we have a large range of raw material on stock. On contract basis we can procure many other products. For the gastronomy we have a large range of drink chocolate, Chocolate-couverture, teabags and spice salts. For the retail sellers we have a broad range of products in tea, herbs, spices, Zotter-chocolate, dried fruits, chestnut products and other specialties in organic quality.

Erboristi Lendi is a specialized Company for organic herbs, spices tea, dried vegetables, dried fruits and essential oils and extracts. For the industry we have a large range of raw material on stock. On contract basis we can procure many other products. For the gastronomy we have a large range of drink chocolate, Chocolate-couverture, teabags and spice salts. For the retail sellers we have a broad range of products in tea, herbs, spices, Zotter-chocolate, dried fruits, chestnut products and other specialties in organic quality.

Our certifiers:



In his 30 years of existence, Erboristi Lendi has created a network with suppliers of small farmer groups of all over the world. They are all certified organic and often also Fair Trade (FLO and/or Naturland Fair).


In his 30 years of existence, Erboristi Lendi has created a network with suppliers of small farmer groups of all over the world. They are all certified organic and often also Fair Trade (FLO and/or Naturland Fair).


In his 30 years of existence, Erboristi Lendi has created a network with suppliers of small farmer groups of all over the world. They are all certified organic and often also Fair Trade (FLO and/or Naturland Fair).

 » Our philosophy is to be the best of Switzerland laa. »

1995 wird die Einfache Gesellschaft in eine Aktiengesellschaft umgewandelt. Seither entwickelt sich das Unternehmen kontinuierlich zu einem wichtigen Partner für den Einzelhandel wie für die Lebensmittelindustrie. Mit den ständig steigenden Verkäufen haben wir auf der Beschaffungsseite
grosse Anstrengungen unternommen, die Rohstoffe direkt von Kleinbauerngruppen in den Ursprungsländern zu beziehen. Gleichzeitig haben wir die Exporte kontinuierlich steigern können.

Our Partners

El Fayoum

© Copyright - Erboristi Lendi SA